A Wholeness Healing Approach
As a wholeness healing approach, I will help you see what is going on in your heart, mind, body, and spirit. With me, you begin to explore who you are, drawing from your life stories and personal identity. From a multicultural perspective, we will use wisdom from the places where you live, work, and play so that therapy remains relevant in your life.
I use a variety of therapeutic tools, including mindfulness and embodiment. For an integrated toolbox, I also combine somatic, trauma-related, emotions-focused, and cognitive-behavioral therapies, among others. This helps meet your immediate needs while you stay on course toward your goals. To help you orient on your journey, you can use the Honor Your Way 5-H Embodiment Mandala.
My Unique Style
As clients have told me, my unique style is comfortable with a warm presence free from judgment, blame, or false positivity. As I have with the numbers of people in my 6-years of supervised and independent practice, I will help you overcome obstacles so you can enjoy your life. As we walk together, we will celebrate your successes and empower you to step out on your own when you are ready.
Please visit the services page to learn about fees and using your insurance to pay for your therapy.
The 5-H Embodiment Mandala
As a practical tool for exploring your heart mind, body, and spirit, the 5-H Embodiment Mandala brings the fullness of your experiences alive. As you embody your wholeness, you will begin to see patterns that may no longer work for you. Adding to your self-awareness, I will teach you coping skills to help you manage through your days. As you show yourself love and forgiveness, you will be able to love others better, and honor your way into the life you dream of!
The 5-Hs
Holding your heart, to experience and care for your feelings.
Hearing your mind, to understand your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions to open yourself to growth.
Healing your body, to calm your nervous system and release bottled-up emotional energy.
Harmonizing your spirit, to get to know what you value and align your steps with your dreams.
Honoring your way, to forgive and love yourself with dignity for all of who you are and how you dream to live.