Bringing Hurricane Hope

Healing Together

We did it, we survived two natural disasters within two weeks. We have been through a tremendous amount of stress together~ and we are healing together. Tracy at Honor Your Way Therapy is bringing Hurricane Hope for Florida’s healing and recovery from Helene and Milton. She is integrating training in emergency response, psychological first aid (PFA), and Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization (ASSYST) with other therapies. She is providing compassionate and effective disaster-responsive care for adults, couples, and groups in Pinellas County and statewide via Telehealth.

Tracy’s embodiment approach will address symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, along with other experiences you may be having. With her alongside, your nervous system will begin to regulate and deactivate its flight or fight response. This will calm your body to help you process your grief and stay present with yourself. Ultimately, you will be building resilience for solving practical problems and moving forward into post-traumatic growth.

Helping Together

We have countless first responders and neighbors who are tirelessly working in our communities~ Thank you all, for helping us move forward into our new “normal” together!

To support our recovery efforts, HYWT has several free, reduced, and pay-as-you-can options. If you would like to request financial assistance, please see the details on the services page and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Whatever your circumstances are, I am glad you made it here. Whenever the time is right for you, I will be here. When you are ready, you can schedule a free call here to talk with me and get started, or use the contact page. I am wishing you all my best as we honor our way forward~ together.

~ Tracy Sisk

About Me

Tracy Sisk, MA/Doctoral Candidate
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MH24371)

Dunedin’s Tall Turtle bringing Hurricane Hope

What is Emotional-Relational Health?

Emotional health is related to our sense of wellbeing and vital to our ability to thrive. Experiencing and getting comfortable with emotion regulates our nervous system. This centers and grounds us to stay present in situations to make sound decisions. Making better choices improves our confidence to take bold steps forward.

Relational health focuses on establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships. Exploring and creating ways to repair and nurture connections at home, work, and play improves the quality of our life. Having a secure base of people who are there for us can relieve feelings of loneliness and depression, decrease stress and anxiety, and lift our spirits.

~ Emotional-relational health is key to our ability to recover and even grow after disasters like we are experiencing right now in our region, and other experiences.

A Therapy Success Story

Several years ago I had the pleasure to help a middle-aged couple who were in crisis with a life-threatening disease and likely divorce. They were overwhelmed with medical treatments, financial distress, and dysfunctional family dynamics. Through our therapy, they changed directions of their health and their marriage.

They slowed down to breathe, process grief, and empathize with each other. They stabilized their finances and set-boundaries in family relationships for their safety and stability. Living hope as a verb, they created a way for consistent medical care that brought pain relief and a better prognosis for survival. They bonded their union with mutual trust, heart-to-heart connection, and renewed commitment.

Before I left this clinical site, a nurse told me they said our therapy had saved their marriage~ Though the truth is, I simply walked beside them as they did the hard work to honor their way together.

~ I am here to help you write your own powerful story of transformation!

Take your brave first step today

A quick chat with me will help us get a feel for how we would work together. You can reach out 24/7 with the online scheduling tool to get a free call on my calendar, or the contact page has more ways to get in touch~ I hope to hear from you soon!