Bringing Hurricane Hope

Together We Survived

Here we are, survivors together in the aftermath of two natural disasters in two weeks~ my goodness we have been through, haven’t we? Honor Your Way Therapy is bringing Hurricane Hope to help Floridians heal into recovery from Helene and Milton.

As time moves on and we stabilize a bit, our fatigue is setting in. Some things are a bit more “normal,” like the power coming back in many areas (thank you stoplights!). I imagine we all feel something like we were hit by a truck and could sleep for a week! And our emotions? Well, if they have not yer, they will probably hit us like a ton of bricks. If there ever was one, now is the time for therapy.

Together We Feel

Perhaps you fear that another storm will come, and you have anxiety or depression kicking in. Maybe you feel sad or mad because an important celebration like a birthday or a wedding was disrupted or you are worried about the holidays coming up. Perhaps you have been busting your booty helping your community, now feeling exhausted and needing to take care of yourself.

Sometimes, among gratitude, guilt from surviving with little or no damage can take a grip on our heart. We look around and cry at the destruction of our communities and favorite beaches or local spots. It may be that you are just now beginning to grieve the losses and you are feeling overwhelmed. Now is the time for therapy to start your healing journey to support your long-term recovery.

Together We Heal

I am Tracy Sisk, and I am here as a fellow hurricane survivor who happens to also be a therapist. My heart is heavy for all of us who are going through this very difficult time, and I bring hope that we will heal together. I am empowered with therapeutic skills and ready to help you restore your emotional-relational health and manage the practical needs you have right now. Let’s do this together, so you can move into post-traumatic growth, rather than stress.

All therapists have super powers, one of mine is creating a healing space with compassion and empathy where you can release your grief and other feelings. Your journey with me will regulate and calm your nervous system. I will help you connect with your heart, mind, body, and spirit. There is power in this embodiment, as it will keep you present and grounded to make important decisions.

From a practical perspective, we can search for resources and tap into your creativity to explore a variety of options and opportunities. As far as decisions go, you can talk them out with me, such as to rebuild or relocate. We can work through challenges with your business, job, home, school, or relationships. Through the process, we will address whatever surfaces for you and I will make recommendations or referrals as needed.

Together We Help

My deepest gratitude goes out to the countless loving people out helping in our communities. To help in the best way I can, I am providing several scholarships and free/pay-as-you-can opportunities . Along with helping people get what they needed in the response stages of our experiences, I am happy to give back through my practice~ though I do wish I could do much more!

Together We Honor Our Way

Whatever your circumstances may be, I am glad you made it here. I will be ready to provide you with healing therapy. Your can schedule a free call here when the time is right for you. I am wishing you all my best as we honor our way forward together.

~ Tracy

About Me

Tracy Sisk, MA/Doctoral Candidate
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MH24371)

Our Dunedin Turtle bringing hope after Hurricane Helene…

Sunrise after Hurricane Milton, bringing hope for a new day…

What is Emotional-Relational Health?

Emotional health is related to our sense of wellbeing and vital to our ability to thrive. Experiencing and getting comfortable with emotion regulates our nervous system. This centers and grounds us to stay present in situations to make sound decisions. Making better choices improves our confidence to take bold steps forward.

Relational health focuses on establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships. Exploring and creating ways to repair and nurture connections at home, work, and play improves the quality of our life. Having a secure base of people who are there for us can relieve feelings of loneliness and depression, decrease stress and anxiety, and lift our spirits.

~ Emotional-relational health is key to our ability to recover and even grow after disasters like we are experiencing right now in our region, and other experiences.

A Therapy Success Story

Several years ago I had the pleasure to help a middle-aged couple who were in crisis with a life-threatening disease and likely divorce. They were overwhelmed with medical treatments, financial distress, and dysfunctional family dynamics. Through our therapy, they changed directions of their health and their marriage.

They slowed down to breathe, process grief, and empathize with each other. They stabilized their finances and set-boundaries in family relationships for their safety and stability. Living hope as a verb, they created a way for consistent medical care that brought pain relief and a better prognosis for survival. They bonded their union with mutual trust, heart-to-heart connection, and renewed commitment.

Before I left this clinical site, a nurse told me they said our therapy had saved their marriage~ Though the truth is, I simply walked beside them as they did the hard work to honor their way together.

~ I am here to help you write your own powerful story of transformation!

Take your brave first step today

A quick chat with me will help us get a feel for how we would work together. You can reach out 24/7 with the online scheduling tool to get a free call on my calendar, or the contact page has more ways to get in touch~ I hope to hear from you soon!