Bringing Hurricane Hope
Many Floridians are going through distressful times related to Hurricanes Helene and Milton. At Honor Your Way Therapy, Tracy is bringing Hurricane Hope with therapy designed for healing and recovering together. To help calm your body’s nervous system she is providing Acute Stress Syndrome Stabilization Therapy (ASSYST©). With this therapy, you will begin to relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, or PTSD. When your system is regulated, you will be able to better manage the stressors of rebuilding your life, or living in areas that have been impacted.
To add to recovery efforts, HYWT is helping with a variety of free and reduced-fee services for individuals and couples. These are opportunities for those impacted, first-responder and work crews, as well as community helpers. Please see the list below, and feel free to reach out with any questions.
We send out a big heartfelt Thank You to our first responders, power, tree, other crews, and all of our neighbors who continue to help with their hands and feet~ We are getting through this together because you are out there giving all you’ve got!
Our Dunedin Turtle standing tall after Hurricanes Helene and Milton!
Hurricane Hope ASSYST Therapy© Scholarships*
Individuals directly impacted or Community Helpers
Free (up to 6-sessions)
$60.00 per session (up to 6-sessions)
Couples or partners directly impacted or Community Helpers
ASSYST trauma recovery therapy for couples (up to 6-sessions): $80.00 per session
When you feel ready, please use the 24/7 free call booking link or contact page to get started.
*Limited space available for a limited time, advanced scheduling required.
© Ignacio (Nacho) Jeraro, Lucina Artigas, and Kelly Smyth-Dent
Other Services
If you do not see what you need here, please see the services page, or contact page to connect with Tracy.